Direct operated proportional directional valve without electrical position feedback, with external electronics Control of the direction and magnitude of a flow Operation by means of proportional solenoids with central thread and detachable coil For subplate mounting: Porting pattern according to ISO 4401 Spring-centered control spool
The 4/2 and 4/3 proportional directional valves are designed as direct operated devices in plate design. Operation by means of proportional solenoids with central thread and detachable coil. The solenoids are controlled by external control electronics.
The valve basically consists of:
Housing (1) with connection surface Control spool (2) with compression springs (3 and 4) Solenoids (5 and 6) with central threadThe function of this valve version basically corresponds to the valve with three spool positions. This 2 spool position valve is, however, only equipped with solenoid “a”. Instead of the 2nd proportional solenoid, there is a plug screw (8.1) with NG 6 or a cover (8.2) with NG10.
The tank line must not be allowed to run empty. With corresponding installation conditions, a preload valve (preload pressure approx. 2 bar) must be installed.