NEW MOOG D634-341C
R40KO2M0NSS2 included
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Servo-Proportional Control Valves with Integrated Electronics

For over 25 years Mloog has manufactured proportional control valveswith integrated electronics. During this time more than 150,000 valveshave been delivered. These proportional control valves have beenproven to provide reliable control of including injection and blowmolding equipment, die casting machines, presses, heavy industryequipment, paper and lumber processing and other applications
The D660 Series proportional flow control valves are throttle valves for2,3,4 and 5-way applications. These valves are suitable forelectrohydraulic position, velocity, pressure or force control systems.including those with high dynamic response requirements.Over time,Moog servo-proportional valves have undergonecontinuous improvements. Moog's Servojet° pilot stage reducesenergy consumption and enhances the valves robustness. This pilotstage uses the jet pipe principle, which has been used reliably withdifferent Moog valves for over 10 years.We have updated D660 Series servo-proportional valves with newintegrated 24 Voc electronics which improve valve dynamics significantly.The improved D660 Series is designed to enhance the stability andperformance of the valves in a wider variety of applications, increasethe number of signal options and improve the fail-safe functionality ofan application.
We have also redesigned the valve's Servojet° pilot stage, reducinghysteresis and null shift and improving pressure gain. Also, theupdated ServoJet° pilot stage now has the ability to operate at a plusor minus 150 mA rated signal.
The new integrated electronics improve valve dynamics by up to 30percent and now have a 24 Voc supply voltage, as well as 4 to 20 mAspool position output as options.
Changes in the D660 Series allow the 90° phase lag frequency responsecharacteristic for small signals (10% amplitude) to increase from 78 Hzto 90 Hz in the D661 series, (NG 10).
Other improvements in the D660 Series address many safetyconsiderations in die-casting machines, injection-molding machinesand presses.
These include:
1. The valve now places an enable signal at the operator's disposal.If no enabled signal is available, the spool in the second stagemoves to a predefined position (hydraulic zero or end position)depending on valve variant.
2. The valve monitors supply voltage.lf voltage on the updatedvaive ('18 Vup to 32 i)should arop below 18 v, the end' posrtionwill be disconnected and the spool will move to its predefinedposition (fail-safe). lt will be monitored as soon as it reaches thisposition and will be confirmed by a logic output.
3. The logic outputs are short circuit protected. Maximum continuousvoltage is 32 V with surge pulses up to 500 V and burst of 4 kV (perEMC standard).